There a lot of trading firms which involve in trading business related to food grain items such as spicey items, rice, dal, chickpeas, salt, wheat, sugar, milk powder, etc. generally the food grain trading firm imported procures goods from different foreign and local sources based on its price benefit consideration. The firm procures goods from the local market through cash or credit basis but whenever it procured goods from the foreign market through issuing L/C from its concerned banks.
After receiving goods from delivery shipment,
the firm stores its goods to the warehouse which may be rented or owned but a large number of trading firms use rented warehouses. Sometimes it sells its
goods from the port area or before goods reached port or goods in transit
Sales revenue of the trading firm generated from different types of sales methods like wholesales, sales through distributor or agents, retails, and online selling. But maximum sales revenue generates from wholesales procedures. Sales may occur through cash and credit basis but maximum times sales occur through 50% cash and 50% credit sometime it will be paid after selling goods. By the above way, a food grain-related trading firm generates its business operation to generates revenue from the market. Sometimes they are a success they fell in losses due to failure of due recovery from the market.
Business Model of Food Grain Trading Firm: