A large number of the people in the world live under the poverty line they can not be able to manage their daily food each and every day. Basically, they live hand to mouth. Even they can not think about their food requirement as per their body necessity or demand to full fill their basic food. They also failed to ensure their food quality which one they buy to eat and feed themselves and their family members. Because where they live beside the area, region, locality, society, and country too much corrupted. Most of the people in the developing and under-developing countries are innocent they have no right to ensure his/her own right. Most of the time their right might be hacked by the ruler and the ruler supported people to be rich and make wealth more and more by destroying other neighbors, society, locality, and country.
The government can not emphasize his public right and primary basic needs. Even they are not interested to focus on food quality for all. They are busy making money more and more to destroy the country's wealth and human resources. They can not understand their human resource wealth which is the power of the country. The strong public of the Country can generate more revenue for the country which can help to grow the country's GDP and GNP smoothly. If the resource is not strong who work strongly for them, who ensure to continue revenue generation for them. Only good food can make a strong nation which ensures country growth effectively, efficiently, and properly.
Each and every country's government should focus on food quality as a serious issue for his country to build a strong nation. We should remember a strong nation can make a strong country.
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